The guest expert for this episode is Michelle Brown, Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical Laboratory Science Program.
Transfusion medicine is unique aspect of medicine that pretty much all subspecialties will interact with in the inpatient setting at some point. Today we will be discussing what products are available for transfusion, the indications and contraindications of transfusion, what the current guidelines recommend, and some of the behind the scenes considerations from our friends in the bloodbank and lab.
PANCE; PANRE; PA; Physician Assistant
With more and more people getting diagnosed with cancer earlier and earlier, the chances you will treat a patient who is receiving, or has had, chemotherapy are increasing. CDC estimates ~650,000 patients per year receive outpatient chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy is designed to kill rogue cancer cells (some by sniper, some by nuke), you are bound to have some collateral damage. Today, we are joined by Chip Lange, of TOTAL EM, again to discuss side effects and complications of chemotherapy that you may see in your clinic or emergency department.
PANCE; PANRE; PA; Physician Assistant